Do locum tenens doctors pay less in taxes?
Let’s find out!
Now you can estimate your 2020 taxes online. This calculator gives an estimate of self-employment/FICA, federal tax and includes locum tenens tax deductions.
Just enter the numbers below to figure out how much you owe Uncle Sam.
To estimate any state’s income tax, check out this site.
Also, check out my detailed locum tenens tax deductions post.
Disclaimer: this calculator is for tax estimation purposes only. Seek professional advice for detailed tax review and preparation.
This calculator uses standard deduction only.
This calculator doesn't include: State and local income taxes and capital gain calculations
This calculator uses standard deduction only.
This calculator doesn't include: State and local income taxes and capital gain calculations
Filing Status
Total W2 income
Total income as an employee
401K/403B contributions
Employer-sponsored retirement plan contributions
Total 1099 income
Total independent contractor/locum tenens income
Self employed IRA
Your retirement plan - can be used in addition to 401k if you have both W2 and 1099 income. Limited to $56000 or 25% of your 1099 income
Independent Contractor/Locum tenens expenses
Examples: education, licensing, supplies etc.
Detailed expenses input on/off
Detailed expenses input:
Education and training expenses
E.g.: BLS/ACLS, CME fees, journal subcription
Licensing fees
E.g. License renewal, license verification, fingerprinting fees
Travel Expenses (unreimbursed)
E.g. Hotel, airfare
Professional services
E.g. CPA fees for advice and tax preparation, Attorney fees for contract review
E.g. Laptop, printer, cell phone
E.g. Cell phone, internet
E.g. Postage, printer ink, office paper
E.g. Cost of labcoats, scrubs, laundry services
Self employed Health Insurance Premiums
Your monthly health insurance payments (if not using employer's insurance). It exludes copayments, deductibles and other payments you made for healthcare services other than monthly payments
Number of dependent children
Total Estimated 2019 Tax
Social security and Medicare Tax:
Additional Medicare Tax:
Federal tax:
Total Tax:
Your income before taxes:
Your income after taxes:
Average tax rate: